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Course Information - Japanese Language School Kyoto Asuka Academia

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  • Course Information - Japanese Language School Kyoto Asuka Academia
Kyoto Asuka Academia, we prepare for many kinds of courses according to your object to learn and your level of Japanese, from beginner level to advanced level.


Course Name Training period Capacity Number of classes
College and Technical School Preparatory Course 2 Years 2 years 225 people

12 classes

(6 classes in the morning and 6 classes in the afternoon)

College entrance exam 1 year 6 months course 1 year 6 months
College and Technical School Preparatory Course (1 year) 1 year


(1) Beginner Level– Concept: “Knowledge”

・Principle Theme: My Surroundings
Learn about your immediate surroundings in Japan and how to express yourself in regard to them, create a strong base for your Japanese studies.
・Academic Goals: JF Standard for Japanese Language Education A2 Level(JLPT N4)

①〈Skills Gained〉 Gain the ability to slowly and carefully express yourself in simple words and concepts. Be able to comprehend short and simple written passages or conversations.

②〈Expression Capabilities〉 Be able give a simple explanation about your daily life, yourself and your family, your personal experiences or habits. Be able to have short conversations with those around you and write sentences using simple conjunctions.

(2)Intermediate Level– Concept: “Comprehension”

・Principle Theme: Japan and my home country
Learn about concepts encountered in your daily life, learn to compare and contrast your home country with Japan and consider the reasons for these similarities and differences. Cultivate an objective view.
・Academic Goals: JF Standard for Japanese Language Education B1 Level(JLPT N3~N2)

①〈Skills Gained〉 Gain the ability to speak in everyday words with clear pronunciation and be able to express harder concepts by communicating them with comparatively simple expressions. Gain the knowledge to speak and write in a concise manner about the issues you encounter on a daily basis and subjects of interest to you.

②〈Expression Capabilities〉 Be able to explain and discuss things that you have done or that interest you at length. Be able to exchange opinions or provide and comprehend detailed information. Be able to clearly state your opinion.

(3)Advanced Level A– Concept: “Development”

・Principle Theme: Being a member of society
Learn about the issues encountered in society. Consider and make your own opinions.
・Academic Goals: JF Standard for Japanese Language Education B2 Level(JLPT N2~N1)

①〈Skills Gained〉 Gain the ability to speak at a normal pace using everyday words and phrases while consulting a dictionary if necessary. Be able to understand long and complex discussions or written pieces on societal or academic topics.

②〈Expression Capabilities〉 Be able to carry on a fluent conversation on most everyday subjects including being able to converse naturally about small details. Be able to converse with Japanese native speakers without a need for them to alter their difficulty of their conversation.

(4)Advanced Level B– Concept: “Refinement”

・Principle Theme: Being a Global Citizen
Learn about the issues encountered on a global level. Consider and state your own opinions.
・Academic Goals: JF Standard for Japanese Language Education C1 Level(JLPT N1)

①〈Skills Gained〉 Gain the ability to explain complex and abstract concepts about areas you specialize in and those you do not. Be able to easily comprehend lengthy speech that includes a wide range of idiomatic and colloquial expressions.

②〈Expression Capabilities〉 Be able to speak or write at length on complicated subjects including successfully and persuasively explaining various issues or opinions. Be able to take notes on long and complicated speech. Be able to communicate effectively and easily using natural expressions with Japanese native speakers.

Course Times

Morning Section Afternoon Section
①  9:00 ~ 9:45 ③ 13:20 ~ 14:05
① 9:45 ~ 10:30 ③ 14:05 ~ 14:50
②  10:40 ~ 11:25 ④ 15:00 ~ 15:45
② 11:25 ~ 12:10 ④ 15:45 ~ 16:30
※1 Class Period: 45-minutes, Weekdays: Monday – Friday ※There are 4 classes per day, 5 days per week. (Morning Classes 9:00~12:10, Afternoon Classes 13:20~16:30)   ※Classes will be determined based on a level test.


2-year course 18-month course 1-year course
Entrance Examination Fee 20,000 yen 20,000 yen 20,000 yen
Entrance Fee 50,000 yen 50,000 yen 50,000 yen
Total Tuition Fee 1,440,000 yen 1,080,000 yen 720,000 yen

Facility Fee, Equipment costs

30,000 yen 22,500 yen 15,000 yen
Material Fee 60,000 yen 45,000 yen 30,000 yen
Health Care Fee 10,000 yen 10,000 yen 5,000 yen
Extracurricular activity expenses 20,000 yen 15,000 yen 10,000 yen
Course Total 1,630,000 yen 1,242,500 yen 850,000 yen
※Be sure to take out accident insurance and bicycle insurance in order to guarantee accidents and natural injuries during your stay in Japan. We arrange for you, so please let us know when you need it.
①Insurance that is also applicable to injuries caused by natural disasters (earthquakes, typhoons, etc.) is desirable.
②This does not cover any injury related to or arising from the intentional accident.